SERT - Santa Rita airport
SERT stands for Santa Rita airport
Here you will find, what does SERT stand for in Regional Airport Code under Regional category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Santa Rita airport? Santa Rita airport can be abbreviated as SERT What does SERT stand for? SERT stands for Santa Rita airport. What does Santa Rita airport mean?Santa Rita airport is an expansion of SERT
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Alternative definitions of SERT
- Special Emergency Response Team
- Special Education Resource Teacher
- Special Emergency Reaction Team
- Sheriff's Emergency Response Team
- Special Equestrian Riding Therapy
- Special Equipment Release Truck
- Self Erecting Rifle Targets
- The Students Emergency Response Team
View 23 other definitions of SERT on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SERR Rey Rancho airport
- SERO Victor Larrea airport
- SERH Rio Hondo airport
- SERB Chimborazo airport
- SERA Rancho Alegre airport
- SEQU Mariscal Sucre International airport
- SEQE Quevedo airport
- SEPX Payo airport
- SEPV Reales Tamarindos airport
- SEPT Putumayo airport
- SEPU Puna airport
- SEPS Pasaje airport
- SEPR Patricia airport
- SEPQ Prolacan airport
- SEPP Plantaciones Tropicale airport
- SEPO Posorja airport
- SEPN Palestina airport
- SEPL Playas airport
- SEPJ Puna Vieja airport
- SEPD Pedernales airport